Monday, September 9, 2013

Bag-to-School Blooper

In the bag: the girls had to make do with old bags – but the combat boots were new

By Dad

The kids were back-to-school today – lamentably without new backpacks. They wanted bags that could be found only online, but this procrastinating Pop didn't order them in time.

So Cathy packed off to second grade with a colorful picnic bag under her arm – her pencils stuffed in the knives and forks slots.

Penny's using her (now grubby) backpack from last year, and complained that her fifth grade compatriots will think she's “weird” when she shows up with a new bag several days after school has re-started.

Dora was less perturbed because she’s entering eighth grade in new combat boots that we managed to snag at Target over the weekend (they were the last pair in her size, so I almost missed the boat on that buy too).

I tell myself I put off ordering to allow the kids maximum time to change their minds. But overshooting the mark is a bit of a bad habit that I'm sure is a parenting sin.

I hate to think what sort of message it's sending to the kids. One friend (a mother) warned they'll pick husbands who'll never do anything on time. Such huge consequences for a little bit of forgetfulness!


Back-to-School quote for stay-at-home-dad age
(our add in italics):
If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers and stay-at-home dads ~ Edgar W. Howe (American novelist and journalist)

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